Read-A-Thon Donations are DUE TODAY! (Wed., Oct. 16)

IMPORTANT! The QR Code on the front of the Read-A-Thon envelope is no longer working, please use the link to the Google Form below!
Read-A-Thon Donations are DUE TODAY, Wednesday, Oct. 16th!
Don't forget to:
- Complete a Google Form for each donation
- Record your reading on the Reading Log
- Collect donations from family and friends for your reading efforts
(Donation tracking sheets are not being used this year, the only way to donate is through the Google form/QR code)
- Fill out the front of your Read-A-Thon envelope
- Seal money AND Reading Log inside the Read-A-Thon envelope
More info HERE! Thank you to all of our readers and families for your support!