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Access to Technology

Thank you for reaching out to us with your concerns about access to technology for your son/daughter to continue their faith-based education from home as we transition to a new reality in Alberta with social distancing and the closure of school buildings.

Under the guidance of Alberta Education we are ensuring that while school buildings are closed to students, student learning remains a priority, we continue to use the provincial program of studies ( to guide our teachings. Students are expected to continue receiving and completing work assigned by their teachers. 

Currently, your school administrators are working and planning to ensure that staff are prepared to deliver content to students at home via digital learning. These plans will vary depending on each school as they take into consideration factors, such as the age of the students and the location of the school. In planning for education at home, schools are considering many factors, including families with limited or no access to tools such as technology.

As school staff work together to finalize their plans this week, you can expect to receive information from them on their expectations to continue students learning digitally. Once your school communicates their plan, please reach out to your school if you feel you do not have access to the appropriate tools needed for your child to complete or participate in their continued learning plan at home.

We look forward to the time that Alberta's mandate of social distancing practices are able to relax and allow students to safely return to school. Until that time we thank you for your help in ensuring that education continues outside our buildings and in your homes.

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